JANGAR S.A. has been manufacturing power control switch products since 1961 from their Zaragoza-based factory. As you can imagine, during 50 years of manufacturing, they have gathered a wealth of experience in this market sector.
At JANGAR S.A. they pride themselves on getting their products correct “every time” and “on time”, with an emphasis on customer satisfaction.
Since 1996 JANGAR have operated with and have been regulated by their quality system, which is certified by AENOR. They strive to continually improve their manufacturing techniques and processes by applying their wealth of knowledge to the innovation and design of our new products.
In doing so, they have become the first Spanish company to achieve product certification by AENOR for “Power Control Assemblies” this offers our customers a certified guarantee of the highest quality.
JANGAR S.A. is a company which puts people first and prides itself on its product range and gaining the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Their people based in JANGAR S.A. retain the skills levels necessary to ensure that you. Their customers make the right decision in buying JANGAR power switch assemblies.
Find out more at: https://www.jangar.com